Category: misc games

  • Heavy Gear 4

    Heavy Gear 4

    Heavy Gear is the game series I have the most feelings for, ever since seeing a print ad in White Wolf Inphobia magazine (1995 – oh cool, a mere 29 years ago! I’m not old). It showed a charging, bright yellow mecha in a dense jungle.

  • Systems For Punks

    Systems For Punks

    I made a cyberpunk game. It doesn’t do anything weird with the genre, and as long as your needs are high stakes action, ultra violence, netrunning, and high drama.

  • Blade Runner RPG: Electric Dreams and beyond

    Blade Runner RPG: Electric Dreams and beyond

    I am running two campaigns of Free League’s Blade Runner RPG (2022). We’re eleven sessions in, planning to continue with Fiery Angels once the boxed set releases next month.

  • Alien RPG: Chariot of the Gods

    Alien RPG: Chariot of the Gods

    I ran Free League’s Alien roleplaying game’s starter set “cinematic adventure” Chariot Of The Gods over three sessions in early winter 2023. This is a report of how it went down, what worked, and what I would advise other Game Mothers to do or be wary of.