Category: misc games
Call Of Cthulhu: Masks Of Nyarlathotep
I started running the 1984 Call of Cthulhu campaign, Masks of Nyarlathotep. The version we’re playing is the 2014 “remaster”, which adds a whole introductory adventure and generally tidies up things.
2024 Games retrospective
DIE is my game of the year 2024.
Sex in Roleplaying games
I am about to run Bad Sex over the Christmas break. I am excited as well as quite understandably nervous and concerned about it.
Blade Runner RPG: Fiery Angels
We ran the second case file, Fiery Angels, over three sessions. This is my notes on the adventure and general observations on the game after more than a dozen sessions.
Edgerunners Mission Kit
I got the Edgerunners Mission Kit for Cyberpunk because I am a big fan of the Edgerunners anime, as well as the video game Cyberpunk 2077.
Eat The Reich
Eat The Reich is a roleplaying game about killing Hitler to win the war. Players are a group of crack vampire commandos, coffin dropped into occupied Paris. Being a single, very contained theme of ultra violence towards nazis, it gets to build everything around delivering on that theme. How does it play?
DIE: Bizarre Love Triangles
We played the Bizarre Love Triangles: An Ex-Crawl from the DIE RPG scenario book of the same name. These are notes on how the prewritten scenario format worked, what we liked, and where we struggled.
Break!! Appendix Nes Roleplaying
Appendix NES, as in Nintendo Entertainment System, the 8-bit console that birthed a gaming generation in the 80s, is how someone apparently described Reynaldo Madrinan’s OSR adjacent original game design on, way back in 2016.
Chariot of the Gods: Second run
We played the Alien RPG beginner box “cinematic adventure” Chariot of the Gods for the second time. Most players were new, but one of them came for a second round. What was different this time? Would I run this again?