Category: misc games
Edgerunners Mission Kit
I got the Edgerunners Mission Kit for Cyberpunk because I am a big fan of the Edgerunners anime, as well as the video game Cyberpunk 2077.
DIE: Bizarre Love Triangles
We played the Bizarre Love Triangles: An Ex-Crawl from the DIE RPG scenario book of the same name. These are notes on how the prewritten scenario format worked, what we liked, and where we struggled.
Break!! Appendix Nes Roleplaying
Appendix NES, as in Nintendo Entertainment System, the 8-bit console that birthed a gaming generation in the 80s, is how someone apparently described Reynaldo Madrinan’s OSR adjacent original game design on, way back in 2016.
Chariot of the Gods: Second run
We played the Alien RPG beginner box “cinematic adventure” Chariot of the Gods for the second time. Most players were new, but one of them came for a second round. What was different this time? Would I run this again?
The Mountain Witch
Playing The Mountain Witch makes your table better at playing roleplaying games.
Heavy Gear 4
Heavy Gear is the game series I have the most feelings for, ever since seeing a print ad in White Wolf Inphobia magazine (1995 – oh cool, a mere 29 years ago! I’m not old). It showed a charging, bright yellow mecha in a dense jungle.
Systems For Punks
I made a cyberpunk game. It doesn’t do anything weird with the genre, and as long as your needs are high stakes action, ultra violence, netrunning, and high drama.
Blade Runner RPG: Electric Dreams and beyond
I am running two campaigns of Free League’s Blade Runner RPG (2022). We’re eleven sessions in, planning to continue with Fiery Angels once the boxed set releases next month.
Alien RPG: Chariot of the Gods
I ran Free League’s Alien roleplaying game’s starter set “cinematic adventure” Chariot Of The Gods over three sessions in early winter 2023. This is a report of how it went down, what worked, and what I would advise other Game Mothers to do or be wary of.