Blade Runner RPG: Fiery Angels

We ran the second case file, Fiery Angels, over three sessions. This is my notes on the adventure and general observations on the game after more than a dozen sessions.

Blade Runner RPG Case File 02: Fiery Angels. Free League continues their standard of high production values. This box is great value for money. It works even better when paired with the Starter Set – you can use the cards and especially the LA map from that to great effect.

I had the same four players I had in my starter set adventure, but one of them rolled up a new character. This worked fine, and we were able to build up the characters. It’s important to split the characters into pairs so you can continue with the detective fantasy in a way that makes sense in the fiction.

The adventure worked fine. They continue the studio’s staple of reusing iconic moments from the original material and putting the players in the middle of it. This could be a terrible way of building a licensed IP as it’s so disposable and predictable – you