Category: general

  • Railroad adventures

    Railroad adventures

    A common complaint from players and game masters alike is that a specific adventure for a roleplaying game is “railroaded”. They mean that the players lack agency – that the GM is forcing them to act as an audience to the GM’s script. This is then frowned upon as bad GMing.

  • Alice Is Missing

    Alice Is Missing

    They had me at “a quiet roleplaying game”. All roleplaying games are a conversation, whether that’s at the table or over videochat – how does a quiet roleplaying game even work?

  • Why we gather

    Why we gather

    I am forty five years old. I’ve been playing tabletop roleplaying games for thirty five years. I am middle aged, and increasingly aware of my limited time on Earth.

  • Stars & Wishes

    Stars & Wishes

    Stars & Wishes is the one system agnostic mechanic I advise any GM to deploy.

  • What A GM should learn from Baldur’s Gate 3

    What A GM should learn from Baldur’s Gate 3

    Like a lot of people, I’ve played a lot of Baldur’s Gate 3 this winter. We also play a lot of Dungeons & Dragons, and while it’s a different medium, there’s a lot to consider in the digital game that can have direct use at the tabletop.

  • 2024 Game plan

    2024 Game plan

    While these plans never work out as designed, I want to inspire others to plan their gaming year. Let’s go!